Top Reason I love Beachbody Coaching!

What is a Beachbody Coach?

A Beachbody coach is someone who is passionate about ending the obesity trend, someone who inspires others to live a healthier lifestyle, someone who is a product of the products (or just really loves the products!). A Beachbody coach is someone makes an income all by doing what they love - staying fit, promoting health, building relationships, and inspiring like minded individuals to do the same! 

Whether you've already experienced your own transformation through one of our amazing programs or you are just starting your journey, anyone can be a successful Beachbody coach! 

All it takes is for you to share what you're doing & what's helping you better your health with others :) 

The Top Reasons I LOVE Coaching:

1. You are rewarded financially and emotionally by HELPING your challengers or customers rather than simply selling products! With most other MLM companies, you sell a product, make the transaction, and that's it. With Beachbody you are building a relationship with that person. You get to help them become the person they want to be and achieve their goals. Forget the money...there is NO better feeling than an inbox full of "Thank Yous" from people who you inspired and helped! 

2. You get to be CREATIVE (if you want to be)- I don't get too many creative opportunities in my job as a nurse practitioner but with Coaching, I get to express my creative side. Coaches get to use Beachbody's amazing products to create completely personal and customized challenge groups for their customers! I get to decide on what content I want to share and have fun using my own clean eating recipes, etc. I also get to play with online apps to create creative advertisements for my groups! 

If creativity isn't your thing then no worries either- Beachbody provides you with lots of templates to use...I just love to make them my own and customize the content I provide for my personal customers!

3. I get to play with Social Media! - I have to admit, prior to Coaching, I obviously dabled in social media but I'm now learning so much about how it works and the various platforms. What's the best is that I get to help so many more people this way! Most of my success has come from reconnecting with friend via social media. It's such an easy way to find new people to help and to join your team!

4. I have TONS of support and training provided to me by other successful coaches in the biz and it's all available ONLINE and on My TIME! Let's face it, life's busy and it's so amazing to be able to run your own business on your own time!

5. I had nothing to lose! - I have been using Beachbody product and LOVING them for over 5 years! As a coach, I had my initial sign up fee waived (you can too), there is such a low coaching cost, and I get 25% off all of the products I have been using and buying for years! Plus now I'm part of a team of some of the most supportive, motivated, and positive coaches that inspire and support me everyday!

6. ACCOUNTABILITY- It takes my personal accountability up to the NEXT LEVEl! Seriously, when I don't feel like working out I just think about the challengers in my challenge group and it pushes me to keep on going! Now of course all coaches have off days! We are definitely not perfect, but we enjoy fitness and healthy eating. We get to pay it forward to help others make a lifestyle change by sharing what works for us which is awesome! 

7. You get to be in FULL CONTROL of how you run your business! You can simply be a discount coach and if you just enjoy getting the programs and Shakeology for 25% off, You can use it to earn an extra $500 per month as a hobby, or you can choose and build a business and YOU get to build your OWN TEAM! What other jobs allows you to CHOOSE who you work with?!

So if you are a fan of the programs and/or Shakeology, there really is no good reason NOT to coach?! You get paid to share with others what you are already doing....I coached for free for years while I was in graduate school....and I'm so glad I became official! 

If you are even slightly considering becoming a Beachbody Coach, I encourage you to fill out my application and I'd love to speak with you more about your goals and questions!

Fill out my online form.
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