Day 3 of 3 of my Superfood Detox Cleanse

Day 3 Of My 3 Day Superfood Detox Cleanse Completed!!

Well I can officially say I completed my 3 day detox cleanse!!!! 
Day 3 was yesterday and surprisingly it was the easiest all all 3 days up until around 4:00pm when I hit a wall!

The day started out amazing! I felt so much energy. I felt very clear headed. I was feeling great and I wasn't feeling hungry or deprived at all! 

I had my Shake for breakfast around 7:30am. I had a banana around 10:30am for a mid-morning snack. Then had my second shake around 12:45 and to be honest, I only had it because I knew I needed to eat something, not because I was hungry. 

Then I got super busy at work and before I knew it, it was 4pm and I was STARVING!!! 

The previous 2 days I had my 3rd shake around 4-4:30 pm and on this third day I kinda hit a wall at this time and I knew I needed some calories!

Luckily I had an apple with me so I quickly scarfed that down and I was fine after that! 

On my drive home from work I began to imagine all the things I wanted to eat and I started to question why I was even doing this....but I'm very competitive and I couldn't just quick when I was this close to being finished. 

I came home and immediately made my grilled chicken salad which was de-lish! 

I had my 3rd shake for dessert :) 

I took my result photos and measurements this morning and I was VERY pleased!!!! I will post once I go through  my photos for you all :)  

All in all...was it worth it? 
I think it was a great way to take a 3 day break from processed foods, eating out, alcohol, and give my body a super dose of superfoods nutrients and clean food! 

My results were very good and I'm very pleased with that!

I felt great overall during this cleanse for the most part. I did experience an energy level dip in the afternoons, especially this last day, but  I was still able to go about my busy work day and do my workouts! 

So I'm sure you're wondering what I ate today after my cleanse was done? 
So I did have my Ezekiel bread toasted with natural peanut butter this morning and my favorite Quest bar for a mid morning snack. Interestingly it tasted super salty to me after these last 3 days without one! I had a turkey spinach wrap for lunch and I actually felt uninspired and had a chocolate vegan Shakeology for dinner with some fruit added in....I can't get enough of this stuff clearly! :)

I'm proud I stuck with it.....Results to come! 

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