Day 2 of My 3 Day Superfood Detox Cleanse

Day 2 of My 3 Day Superfood Cleanse!

Alright today was a little harder but it was still not as bad as I expected! This plan really is not that bad! I got a little hungry today and felt a little mini headache before lunch but I also didn't get to eat my snack until lunch due to a busy morning with my patients.

For Breakfast - I had my 1 cup of coffee again with my small addition of coconut oil (ok so coffee isn't really on the plan, but I'm not ready to give that up just yet...)

Then I made my chocolate vegan shakeology with a lot of cold water, ice, and half a banana (going for volume this morning!).

I got slammed at work so I didn't get to eat again until noon. I was pretty hungry around this time and I started to think about the food everyone else was ordering in the office around me....oh the temptations!! 

I quickly made my 2nd shake for Lunch- this time with just water- and this curbed my cravings! I then ate my apple (my snack) which helped fill me up more!

Around the time I was driving home from work today, I was starting to cave...I started to think..why am I even doing this?! 

I often graze when I get home from work and I was dreaming about what was in my pantry....Ok...I had a small handful of raw almonds....If that's a "Cheat" then I guess I cheated but my goal is not to lose weight with this cleanse. 

My Cookies n' Cream Quest Bars were taunting me and I didn't want to give in so what did I do for motivation?!? 

I jumped on YouTube and watched some videos of others who have done this cleanse and that really inspired me to push through and continue on. It also inspired me to make a video! - See below :) 

I made my 3rd shake to avoid temptation and decided to switch things up and make a strawberry shake this time. I did water and I decided to add in another half a banana - I'm not doing this for weight loss. 

I then did my 30 mins workout (I did a LesMillsPump workout) and this gave me a lot of energy!

It's about 8pm now and I'm really not even hungry at all. I feel completely satisfied and energized. To be honest, I feel better than I have all day. 

I'm about to make my LARGE salad with grilled chicken and lots of veggies and call it a night! 

Let's see if I can make it through tomorrow- I have a busy day at work so that will either help me or make me really hungry :) 

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