Cilantro Lime Crock-Pot Chicken

Cilantro Lime Crock-Pot Chicken

As those of you who know or follow me know, I’m a busy girl always on the go! In my quest to eat healthy whole food meals, I've discovered how amazing a crock-pot can be. 
It allows me to make easy meals for the whole week and I just have to throw all the ingredients in, let it cook, and enjoy! Perfect for a busy girl who wants to eat healthy (and who maybe isn't the best cook!).
I came across this super easy meal a few weeks ago and decided to give it a try! Not only did it taste great, it made a week’s worth of healthy lunches/dinners which helped me stay on track during a busy work week!
Seriously, try this Cilantro Lime Crock-pot Chicken recipe and you won’t be sorry! Plus it can be eaten in a variety of ways….alone, over brown rice, rolled up in tortillas, with salsa,….the ideas are endless!


-Chicken breasts – I used ~2 lbs but you can use however much you want to make!
-3 limes
-Chicken broth – I used the low sodium for a healthier option!
-Fresh Cilantro
-Black pepper
-Onions – chopped
-Garlic Powder (optional)


-Lay chicken breasts into the bottom of the pot
-Cover with chicken broth ( I filled my pot almost half way)
-Squeeze lime juice over the mix – (I got tired of squeezing mine and I threw them into my juicer for extra lime juice)
-Chop up about half an onion and add it to the mix
-Add in black pepper, salt (I don’t add salt but you can), garlic powder
-Lay fresh cilantro leaves/stalks over
-Keep lid closed (allows for better moisture to remain in the chicken)
-Cook on low for approx. 5 hours

*Hint- At about 4 hours I shredded the chicken using 2 forks so that I could have shredded chicken and it allows for the juices to penetrate more!
You can also add in more broth throughout the week for added moisture!


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