How I make my daily Shakeology!

I've been a fan of Shakeology for years and I've tried to find a comparison and just have not been able to. 
I never drank it daily as intended but I started drinking Shakeology daily about 2.5 months ago now as a personal "challenge" to see what all the hype was about first hand. 

I've always been very interested in nutrition and what I put in my body but I wasn't expecting all the benefits that came along with drinking this shake daily! 

Since starting to drink it daily, I've noticed:

1) Reduced cravings for sweets
2) Reduced cravings for caffeine
3) Improved digestion and regularity (big issue for me in the past)
4) Improved SLEEP! (HUGE issue for me in the past)
5) Increased focus and stamina during long work hours
6) More glowing skin! 
7) Dry scalp no longer an issue! (embarrassing but true!)

To learn more about what Shakeology is visit: Shakeology

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