3 Day Superfood Detox Cleanse Results!!

Here are my final results from my Superfood Detox Cleanse I completed last week! 

I'm pretty impressed with the results I got in just 3 days. I was also impressed with how easy this cleanse was to complete! 

Sure there were some times I felt weak and wanted to raid my pantry, but overall I didn't have cravings or feel like I was depriving myself. I think the fact that I was filling my body with TONS of superfood nutrients throughout the entire 3 days is what helped me feel so good and helped me not to have cravings like I have with other cleanses.

Fitness is a journey, not a destination! We all have highs and lows and even fit people sometimes need a little jump start to get them through a rough point or a plateau. This was exactly what I needed to detox after my 4 day binge of eating out and excessive celebrations. 

Overall I lost 5.5 total inches from my waist/hips/thighs and I think about 4 pounds!! 

I know some of that is water weight which is fine but I'm still happy with the way I looked afterwards. I lost some of that bloat I was feeling before and I felt lighter and more energized!

If you're looking to jump start your results or have an event/vacation coming up, or even just need a little 3 day break from processed food and are looking for a way to rid the toxins and feed your body what it needs....
Email me: sara_petrucci@yahoo.com
or find me on Facebook! 


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