Day 1 of my 3 Day Superfood Detox Cleanse

Alright so I've almost completed Day 1 of my 3 day Superfood Detox Cleanse!! 

It hasn't been as hard as I thought it would be. Work kept me pretty busy and that helped keep my mind off my normal morning snack (Oh Quest Bar, I missed you!!)

I started my day with 1 cup of coffee with a small amount of coconut oil added (no sugar, no sweetener). 

About 1 hour later I made my Chocolate Vegan Shakeology for breakfast with just good ole' H20 and half a banana before leaving for work.

Work kept me pretty busy this morning so I had lunch around 12:45 and had my 2nd Shakeology of the day with water. I also had 1 banana about 30 mins after my shake (I planned on an apple but the banana was more tempting).

I left work around 4pm today and I have to admit...all I could think about was that I get to eat food I can CHEW for dinner!!! 

I actually didn't feel that hungry but I could feel my energy level starting to decrease and the thought of working out was not as appealing as normal.

I decided to make my 3rd Shake at 4:30pm so that I can gain more energy for an evening workout and then plan to eat my LARGE grilled chicken salad a little later to space things out and to hold me over all night.

So far though, I haven't really felt hungry at all. The Shakes are packed full of Superfood nutrients and they keep me pretty satisfied. I also feel ready to take on my workout now that I had my 3rd Shake.

We will see how the workout goes...not going to lie though...I am really looking forward to my dinner! 

Until tomorrow..... 

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