Failing Forward

The Story of My Career Change:

After celebrating the graduates this weekend I started to think back 7 years to when I first graduated from college. I had dreams of working in pharma sales. I was so excited to have landed my first sales job before I even walked across that stage. 

Well let me tell you, those feelings of excitement soon left as I realized what my reality was. I worked very long hours out of my car, got my teeth knocked in day in day out, and I was in tears most mornings dreading the day ahead. I was miserable!  I had a my dream apartment to pay for and every other job I found that online seemed exactly the same!  I felt STUCK! 

Well I guess my boss could sense my misery because 2 months in….I was FIRED!

I felt completely defeated, scared, anxious, and depressed!  I had to use all of my graduation money to pay for my rent while I wasted a few weeks feeling sorry for myself and sleeping all day.

Finally something clicked and I decided I needed to make a change! I made the decision to go back to school to become a nurse. Little did I know that I would now be paving new career paths for nurse practitioners!

I tell you this story not to scare anyone starting out in their career, but to show you that it may not be easy or perfect at first. If you find yourself unhappy, I want to remind you, that you have the power to redefine your career and your future! I used to say I was never "smart enough" to go to graduate school....well I sure proved myself wrong!

Sure it was scary and hard, but boy was it was worth it! 

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