Vegan Fix Approved Meal Plan Made Simple!


21 day fix meal plan, meal prep, vegan, recipe, container, new year, nutrition, foodie, meal planning, meal prepping, country heat, 21 day fix, fixate, shakeology, hummus, avocado, peanut butter, core de force, health bet, beachbody, beachbody coach, healthy living, clean eating, challenge, motivation, gluten free, whole 30, insanity, p90x

Ok, I've gotta brag on myself a bit today because our Health Bet Challenge Kicks off Tomorrow, for once I am all prepped for the ENTIRE WEEK.... AND it only took me an hour & a half to do it all!!! 
I was too excited about all of the simple meal plans & grocery lists I found to make it so much EASIER for our group members to stay on track with their nutrition this month that I decided to try one out myself! 

In all honesty, I HATE COOKING & PREPPING!  I've always wanted to be one of those girls who had beautiful meal prep photos...but to be perfectly honest......I usually stick to my boring salmon and broccoli and then kick myself mid week for not prepping!!!! THIS right here is a rare moment and so I had to document it!!

For anyone doing using the Fix container system - this falls into the 1,200-1,499 calorie bracket and this particular plan is VEGAN - Yep, trying all kinds of new things this week-- but there are TONS more non-vegan plans to follow as well.

Here's the FULL MENU with container equivalents if you wanna try it too & if you're looking for more support on your journey this year, reach out & let's do it together!!

Breakfast-- 1 cup cooked oatmeal with ¼ large banana, 2 tsp. chia seeds, and ½ tsp. ground cinnamon (free) (2 yellow a, ½ purple, ½ orange)

Meal 2 (Snack): 1 cup celery stalks with 2 tsp. peanut butter

Meal 3 (Lunch M/W/F): 2 6-inch corn tortillas, ¾ cup refried beans, 1 cup shredded lettuce, ¼ cup fresh salsa (free), ¼ avocado (1 yellow b, 1 red, 1 green, 1 blue)

Meal 3 (Lunch Tue/Thur): 1 slice sprouted whole grain bread, ¾ cup white beans (mashed after measuring), ½ cup sliced cucumber, ¼ avocado, balsamic vinegar (free) (1 yellow b, 1 red, 1 green, 1 blue)

Meal 4 (Post-Workout): 1 scoop Shakeology (I use Chocolate most often) with ½ cup blueberries (1 red, ½ purple)

Meal 5 (Dinner M/W/F): ¾ cup firm tofu, 1 cup broccoli slaw (or cabbage), ½ cup chopped broccoli, ½ cup raw spinach sautéed in 1½ tsp. sesame seed oil. Drizzled with reduced-sodium soy sauce (free). Served over ½ cup cooked quinoa (1 red, 3 green, ½ orange, 1 yellow)

Meal 5 (Dinner Tue/Thur): ¾ cup cooked lentils wrapped in 1 cup lettuce leaves with ½ cup cooked quinoa, ½ cup sliced red onion (I didn't use), ½ cup chopped red (or green) bell peppers, 1 cup chopped tomatoes, drizzled with 1 Tbsp. Lemon Tarragon Vinaigrette (I used lemon vinaigrette) (1 red, 1 yellow a, 3 green, ½ orange)

I'm curious, how many of you struggle with nutrition and prepping like I do?
I'm looking for some foodie accountability buddies this year so I can make this more of a regular!! 

Email me if you're looking for support and accountability! I have a new Accountability group kicking off soon!

Meal plan credit:

Core De Force Release Details! Join The Official Sweat Life Test Group!

mma, core de force, mixed martial arts, kickboxing, combat, home workout, clean eating, 21 day fix meal plan, recipes, healthy pumpkin,  beachbody, coach, intense workout, punch

I seriously cannot wait for this release! I remember sitting at Coach Summit this past July being SO EXCITED when Beachbody announced this brand new program! 
Core De Force is the newest and hottest home fitness program from Beachbody and it will be launched on the 31st of October! 

 Core De Force is a 30 day total body transformation program that will leave you feeling like a Badass! The best part, there's zero equipment needed but YOU!  

What type of workout is this?
Core De Force is an MMA inspired program which includes 3 minute “rounds” where you will learn boxing, kickboxing and Muay Thai, knee-elbow combinations, bodyweight training and cardio spikes that will target that core to help you lose belly fat and shred your entire body.

I have had the opportunity to do Core De Force during an early sneak peek and let me tell ya, it's packs a PUNCH! I was sweating, punching, and left feeling incredible. Talk about a stress reliever! What I loved was the focus on the core. Our core is the powerhouse of our whole body and as women, it's often the area we struggle with most. This one's got it! 

So check out all the details here if you are interested in changing up your workout, breaking a plateau, getting started with your transformation, or holding yourself more accountable over the holidays.  I am going to be hosting a virtual accountability group exclusive to those who are going to join me on this 30 day program!
mma, core de force, mixed martial arts, kickboxing, combat, home workout, clean eating, 21 day fix meal plan, recipes, healthy pumpkin,  beachbody, coach, intense workout, punch

What is Core De Force? 
Core De Force is your 30 day countdown to a total body transformation.  This workout was created by Joel Freeman and Jericho McMatthews, it is the ultimate mixed martial arts-inspired workout that is going to really knock off the belly fat, get rid of inches and tone and tighten your entire body with no equipment.
Worried about choreography? Dont' be! What's great is that there's a  “learn it & work it” section that breaks down each moves so that you can learn them before you do the workout.  Core De Force is also not on a beat or rhythm so anyone can follow these moves and kick some butt!
Is there a Modifier? 
YES! There are modifiers in every single workout so no matter what your ability level is, you can go at your own pace and increase your level and you increase your strength and endurance. 
Is there equipment needed?
NOPE! Just your own body!  This is great for those on a budget or looking for a program that's travel/hotel-room friendly!
This workout is literally for ANYONE looking to get into amazing shape, shred their body, release some stress, and it comes with a FULL EATING PLAN with lots of recipes and an easy to follow meal plan to make the whole process super SIMPLE! 
Combine this workout + Nutrition + Accountability without our virtual fitness family're going to be a KNOCKOUT!  
Check out the preview here:

mma, core de force, mixed martial arts, kickboxing, combat, home workout, clean eating, 21 day fix meal plan, recipes, healthy pumpkin,  beachbody, coach, intense workout, punch

What Is the Eating Plan Like?  
Eating Plan keeps things simple with grocery lists and recipes so figuring out what to eat is never a battle. There’s even a nutrition strategy that lets you eat more—to fire up your metabolism—for the best possible 30-day transformation.
The nutrition plan follows the the Portion Fix Containers, which are optional but allow you to easily measure out the foods you love and combine them to create wholesome and healthy meals that will keep you fueled right and energized to keep coming back to your workouts!  
mma, core de force, mixed martial arts, kickboxing, combat, home workout, clean eating, 21 day fix meal plan, recipes, healthy pumpkin,  beachbody, coach, intense workout, punch

How long are the workouts?  
The workouts are 30-45 minutes in length and you workout 6 days a week with a stretch on the 7th.  The workout program is 30 days in length. All on a 30 day calendar to follow, designed to give you best results!
There are 10 workouts on 3 DVDs.
- 4 MMA-inspired workouts, each with a step-by-step breakdown of all the moves.
- 2 bodyweight resistance workouts 
-1 CORE DE FORCE Relief workout 
-1 Active Recovery stretch workout 
 Plus-- Core on the Floor: The ultimate core finisher—5 challenging plank movements to help burn the belly and define, flatten, and tone the tummy. 
Plus-- Core Kinetics: Strengthen your powerhouse with fat-blasting moves that help carve flat abs and tight obliques. 
If you join me, you'll also receive  FREE Bonus Workout DVD—MMA Mashup. All the best CORE DE FORCE moves in one killer workout! From Boxing and Muay Thai combos to resistance and plyo burners, this challenging workout will leave you drenched—and wanting more! 
mma, core de force, mixed martial arts, kickboxing, combat, home workout, clean eating, 21 day fix meal plan, recipes, healthy pumpkin,  beachbody, coach, intense workout, punch

When Can I Get This Workout?

Core De Force will be available on the October 31st 2016 to customers of Team Beachbody coaches.  So if you do not have a coach right now make sure to sign up with me so that I can be your coach and guide you from start to finish through the program.  This is your link to create your FREE Team Beachbody Account .

Also, be sure to complete the application below to be considered for a spot in the exclusive Core De Force Challenge we are hosting this November!  If chosen, you'll get 1:1 coaching from myself as well as the daily accountability and motivation of the whole group with lots of extra resources, prize giveaways, and more throughout the entire program!  
How Can I Get Involved In My Support & Accountability Group?
Ok, this is seriously the KEY to success right here!! Those who participate in the group hands down get the best results because let's face it, anyone can go get this program but what we all struggle most with is the accountability to complete it start to finish and get the results we I right?? 
 I'm dedicated to our challenger's success 100% and I promise I will not let this be another program that collects dust if you're apart of our group!
Our accountability group takes place all on your phone! It's an interactive app that allows you to track and log your workouts, receive daily motivation and accountability from your coach, and interact with the others we've hand selected to be apart of this closed group event! It Does that sound like a good plan?
 To complete the application click here:
mma, core de force, mixed martial arts, kickboxing, combat, home workout, clean eating, 21 day fix meal plan, recipes, healthy pumpkin,  beachbody, coach, intense workout, punch

**To Learn More about our Sweat Life Challenges & See some of our clients Before & After photos, click here:

Super Saturday Event Recap!

This past weekend some of our local team attend a HUGE Beachbody event called Super Saturday! We headed to Orlando for this event and to say it was an amazing day is an understatement! They went all out for this one and the value we got was just incredible! 

We heard from some top coaches, incredible success Stories, great training for our own businesses, heard from an all male panel, and from a few couples who do this together! Then we did a huge live workout with 300 local coaches!

What touched me the MOST was the woman's Story who was a ER doctor! Just like me, she feels she's able to help others so much more and DEEPER through coaching than modern health care! Now she's earning a full time income from doing what she loves as a Coach and paid off all her medical student loan bills! 

Preventing disease is where my true passion lies and hearing her story just had my heart bursting with "YESES!!"
What really rocked this day for me was that our Team was there to share this experience with us. When Ralph and I first started, we were just the two of us. We attended our first live event alone and each time since, our team has grown! Today we not only got recognized of our achievements, but we got to celebrate some of our team members achievements as new coaches who are already helping so many other reach their healthy goals!

If you're wanting to experience what makes Beachbody's culture so unique the next one will be in August and this event takes place In all major cities in US and Canada!

My heart was so full being reminded today WHY I do this and surrounded by our team who could make it! It's so much more than just a business, it's helping others live happier, healthier, financially fitter, and FULFILLING Lives!!! 

Had such a great day with our team and if you're considering Beachbody Coaching or curious about what it is that we do, Email me -

You don't need to be local to Florida to join our team. All you need is some passion for helping others live healthier and more fulfilling lives!

Finding My True Purpose One Day at a Time!

My Journey To Discovering My True Purpose 

beachbody coach, 21 day fix, motivation quotes, success quotes, girl boss, inspiration, autumn calabrese, bikini body, beachbody, purpose, faith, recipes

After I graduated college and was fired from my first corporate job, I felt lost. That's when my journey to "find my real myself" began. It all started with getting my fitness & health back in check. I remember coming home from work completely exhausted, I'd nap most afternoons (sometimes sleeping until the next morning), I was living off frozen TV dinners, abusing caffeine & diet pills, drinking a lot, had horrible IBS, and felt In wasn't living up to my true potential.

Thanks to social media, I discovered a workout program called INSANITY. At the time I was so broke and $119.99 was a HUGE investment, but I needed to make an investment in myself and I knew with some skin in the game, I'd be more accountable!

Well, I not only got into the best shape of my life & changed my eating habits, I ignited this passion & drive inside me that affected many other areas of my life. This helped inspire me to go back to school to become a registered nurse and ultimately a family nurse practitioner.

I made it to my final career destination, but I still had this burning feeling inside that it wasn't enough, I was made for more.
My true passions throughout nursing school were all focused around the power of exercise & nutrition in preventing/ending diseases.

Last year a little thing called Beachbody Coaching fell into my lap unexpectedly at the time, but looking back it was when I needed it the most!
God knew what he was doing and although I started this business at a time I was stressed to the MAX in my career, it's been the thing that's saved my sanity & blessed my life everyday since!

Listening to others speak at yesterday's huge Beachbody event, I again felt this overwhelming sense of purpose, of belonging, of passion, and a true knowing that THIS IS MY PURPOSE!

Coaching allows me to pursue all of my passions into one role and help others uniquely using all of my own past struggles and triumphs as my guide!

Unlike modern medicine where I have a 15-30 min appointment slot with a patient, as a Coach, I'm able to dig WAY deeper with people, connect, and truly support them in their goals of living a healthier life just by sharing what I've been through, and being their wing girl along the way!
I feel like I've finally found "My People" in my team of fellow coaches as well, those who just "get" me!

I know for certain that this little "journey" I've been on the last 6 years, wasn't about me finding myself, rather discovering God's purpose for my life. I'm very thankful He allowed this gift to land in my lap when it did and I know he's using me to share this opportunity with others out there who are looking for their "something more".

If you're on a journey now, trust the process and stay open to opportunities. There's a bigger plan to all of it than we know!

Huge News for The Sweat Life Dynasty Team!!!!

21 day fix, 21 day fix recipes, beachbody coach, fitness, online fitness, insanity, CIZE, meal plan, healthy recipe

Wow!! Our Beachbody Team got some very exciting news this week! This past Thursday our team, The Sweat Life Dynasty officially became a 1 Star Diamond Team!!!!! 

Now, you may not know what the heck that means...which I totally get....but basically it means we're now in the top 2% (out of 400,000) of all teams in Beachbody! 

Pretty amazing stuff!

But what's so cool about this advancement is that it has nothing to do with ME...and EVERYTHING to do with my TEAM's efforts!

These amazing people below are just a few from our team of coaches who are out there helping others live healthier lives everyday! 
I couldn't be more proud for our team this week and I'm so excited to see where we are going! 

21 day fix, 21 day fix recipes, beachbody coach, fitness, online fitness, insanity, CIZE, meal plan, healthy recipe

As if celebrating with my team wasn't enough....Beachbody Corporate took notice too!
 I woke up Friday morning to a personal Congrats from Corporate recognizing our team which totally blew me away! 

21 day fix, 21 day fix recipes, beachbody coach, fitness, online fitness, insanity, CIZE, meal plan, healthy recipe
After listing to the call from Beachbody Corporate! 

Seriously, this opportunity has blessed my life in so many ways this past year and to think we've created such an amazing team in just 1 year empowers me to keep pushing and helping more people create healthier and happier lives!

I remember back to where I was 1 year ago before this opportunity fell into my life. I was a SUPER stressed out new nurse practitioner with horrible sleep anxiety and desperately looking for a positive outlet!!!! Well I sure found it...and it's been WAY MORE than I could have ever imagined! 

I'm so incredibly thankful to my Coach for pushing me to believe in myself more and more over this year! With her mentorship and my team's support, I'm becoming the leader I wanted to be thanks to this business! 

I consider this business a true gift and being able to now mentor new coaches in this business is an incredible opportunity and makes me so excited because I know what this business can do-- Financially, Emotionally, Spiritually, and Physically! 

Now it's on to create some more leaders within our team! 

21 day fix, 21 day fix recipes, beachbody coach, fitness, online fitness, insanity, CIZE, meal plan, healthy recipe

And for those of you reading this who maybe curious what this whole "Coaching" thing is all about or maybe you already love Beachbody and are looking to join as a coach?? I'd love to share this gift with you!! 

Our mission as coaches is to help people achieve their goals and enjoy a healthier and more fulfilling life! We do this NOT by being experts, but by simply supporting and sharing what's helped us with those we love! 

All that's required to do this business is an openess to learn, a wanting to continually grow and improve your own self, and a want to help other people! --- We train you on the rest, but it's all pretty simple!! 

Email me with any questions & to find out more about our next New Coach Training! 

21 day fix, 21 day fix recipes, beachbody coach, fitness, online fitness, insanity, CIZE, meal plan, healthy recipe

How much time does it REALLY take me to grow my Beachbody Business while working full time?

21 day fix, beachbody coach, beachbody income, 21 day fix recipes, hammer and chisel, 22 minutes hard corps, insanity, p90x, bbq, weight watchers, bikini body guide, autumn calabrese, cize, meal plan, healthy recipes, fitness, fitness business, turbo

I’ve been getting a TON of questions lately about the TIME commitment it requires to be a successful Beachbody Coach!! 

Well…Here’s my truth!! 

I’m a full time (~45 hours+) Nurse Practitioner and a Surgical First Assistant two of those days (which means NO access to my smart phone or computer for about 12 hours), I’m a group fitness instructor, I’m a wife to my amazing husband, I have a social life, AND I’m currently a Star Diamond Qualifying Beachbody Coach!! 

Now you may think…WOW, she must be busy!!! 

Well, Yes, I do like to stay busy, but I still go to bed around 11pm, and I'm not up before 6:15 am. I still take time to workout most days, read books, and enjoy myself, my family & friends, and my husband!!

The beauty of this Business is it’s on YOUR own time and YOU choose the hours! 

Our team has Rockstar Trainings & systems! I've learned how to knock out my "Power Hour" and I can teach you too!  

The ONLY thing I’ve given up since starting this business are nights filled with vegging out on The Real Housewives.....ha!(but for real though!)

What have I gained??
 I've gained amazing friends, the joy of helping others reach their goals, messages daily from those who FEEL better, healthier, happier, who are fitting into their old clothes and keeping up with their kids! 
I've gained my own personal accountability and most of all, a thriving business that's allowing my husband and I to TRAVEL so much this year and pay off debt...both goals of ours and we get to enjoy all of this as we continue growing it to become our future full time income! 

I’ll take checking in with my amazing clients & team of coaches and hearing their success stories ANY NIGHT over some reality TV! 

Now, it's definitely not for everyone, but when this business falls into the lap of the right person.....amazing things can happen!

If you're tired of just going to work for a paycheck and wanting to restore that passion in your own feel a sense of purpose and excitement...if you have a drive to get healthier yourself and to help support others in their journey along the way...YOU CAN DO THIS TOO!!

To ask ANY questions and find out more about how it all works!
Email me: 

Or if you're ready to just jump in, I have a new coach training starting next month, Apply Here!

This Week's Meal Plan - Bikini Boot Camp!

Bikini-Ready Boot Camp - Week 1 Meal Plan!

My virtual Bikini-Ready Boot Camp begins tomorrow and I'm so excited to be be taking this challenge along with some awesome new ladies! These groups are the Core of my coaching business and the results have been incredible! It's all about daily motivation, support, and accountability..and some fun!!

21 day fix, 21 day fix extreme, beachbody coaching, challenge group, online fitness, meal plan, bbg, weight watchers, meal plan, clean recipes, healthy recipes, bikini,  clean eating, 21 day recipes, beachbody coach,

I'll admit I've been slacking on the meal prepping myself lately and since I'm going to be matron of honor in my friends wedding, which is taking place in Playa Del Carmen, in April...there is no better time for me to recommit! 

21 day fix, 21 day fix extreme, beachbody coaching, challenge group, online fitness, meal plan, bbg, weight watchers, meal plan, clean recipes, healthy recipes, bikini,  clean eating, 21 day recipes, beachbody

So today I spent the afternoon planning poolside and enjoyed this gorgeous day and finished off by heading to Trader Joe's to get all the goods. 

What's so awesome about meal planning is that not only does it keep me on track during the week and save me valuable saves so much money! 

I'll admit, I'm guilty of buying all kinds of things I don't need (especially at Trader Joe's...dark chocolate espresso beans & cookie butter??...yes please!!).

Today I went with my list in hand and stuck to it and I was able to get 7 days worth of meals, with 5 meals per day, is just under $100. Which basically comes out to just $3 per meal...and this includes the cost of Shakeology daily!!! (I can't live without my superfoods!).

So for this 21 Day Bikini Challenge I'm hosting, I'll be following the 21 Day Fix Extreme workouts and meal plan! I'm so excited to work with some new clients in this private online community group this month and I can't wait to see their results too! 

I'm following the 21 Day Fix Extreme this month and I use the lowest calorie bracket. This is for 1200-1500 calories daily. 

What's great about this plan is that there is no starvation or restricting foods. It's all based on clean eating and correct portions! 

Here's the fun color-coded containers:
21 day fix, 21 day fix extreme, beachbody coaching, challenge group, online fitness, meal plan, bbg, weight watchers, meal plan, clean recipes, healthy recipes, bikini,  clean eating, 21 day recipes, beachbody

Here is my Meal pLan for Week 1:

21 day fix, 21 day fix extreme, beachbody coaching, challenge group, online fitness, meal plan, bbg, weight watchers, meal plan, clean recipes, healthy recipes, bikini,  clean eating, 21 day recipes, beachbody, meal plan, insanity, hammer and chisel, size

Are you doing the 21 Day Fix too? I'd love to hear from you! 

If you want to get in on my next Bikini Boot Camp Apply Here for More Info!

Or maybe you're already a fan of the 21 Day Fix, you're a fitness fanatic, and/or you got amazing results yourself??
Imagine making an income helping people online stay healthy and Fit! 

You could totally do what I do and pay it forward to help others!  
Fill out this form and I'll contact you and answer any questions! 
