My Story!

So if you've been following my blogs or you are new to my blog, WELCOME! I wanted to let you know why I'm so passionate about what I do as an Online Health & Fitness Coach and why this business opportunity is so amazing! 

My name is Sara Petrucci and I am a licensed family nurse practitioner. I have a strong passion for helping others along their journey to better health & mentoring those interested in making fitness a business!

I feel so blessed to have transformed myself, not only physically, but most importantly mentally through my own fitness journey. For pretty much my whole life stating in middle school,  I had a very negative body image and battled an eating disorder. My mental anguish was constant and I did every unhealthy trick in the book to try to get skinny! 

During high school I was my WORST! My parents divorced during that time and being the oldest of 3, it was my job to take them back and forth every week to the other parent's house. I used my eating disorder as a way to CONTROL my life and it CONTROLLED ME! 

When I went to college but didn't have much drive or passion for what I wanted to do with my life. I started partying and drinking a lot more and completely stopped working out and eating right! In way I thought I had cured my eating disorder, but I was simply masking it by my partying and becoming even more unhealthy! 

After graduation, I found very few options for work that interested me! I took a job I HATED and would cry before leaving for work...well I was FIRED from my first cooperate job and felt like a complete failure with no hope!! 

I was depressed, exhausted, and out of shape mentally and physically.

That's when I decided I had to take control of one aspect of my life and decided to get back into fitness. I started by ordering my first Beachbody program, INSANITY in 2010 after watching countless transformation videos. 

Was it easy? HECK NO! But it sparked a huge change in me! 

Completing that program made me realized I could DO MORE!! 

My fitness journey inspired me to PUSH FOR MORE in my life! I decided to go back to college to become an RN and ARNP and basically created my dream job! 

Thankfully I've overcome my past issues and I've gotten in the BEST shape of my life (mentally & physically) doing it the healthy way!! My mindset has completely changed and this has affected all aspects of my life for the BETTER!

NOW I'm PAYING IT FORWARD and helping others start their transformations! 

There is no better reward than seeing the difference a healthier lifestyle makes for peoples' overall well being, quality of life, body image, and happiness.

Whether you are looking to lose weight, tone up, eat healthier, increase energy, or just develop a more positive body image or outlook on life... PLEASE MESSAGE ME to learn more about my online fitness ACCOUNTABILITY GROUPS I run monthly and how you can JOIN! 


The Support and results I got from The Beachbody community and the fitness programs inspired me to become a COACH!! 

I Started my own coaching business to MENTOR individuals looking to do MORE with their lives and gain financial freedom doing so!!

If you're interested in doing something MORE fulfilling, having more passion around what you do, joining an amazing TEAM, & earning an income for helping others this is for you!!!!!!

{{You DO NOT need to be in your best shape yet to start in this business!! It can be done PART TIME or FULL TIME and YOU ARE THE BOSS! It's just about sharing YOURSELF with others and giving them support! -- I can teach you how!}}

I can honestly say that I have ZERO regrets and I'm so thankful that I found this opportunity! I'm excited for my future now and I'm always looking for new TEAM MATES to join me! 


You can learn more about me and follow my personal journey on my FACEBOOK:

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