Myself 5 Years Ago

GOSH, this gloomy weather kinda has me down…
I came home from work and suddenly found myself wanting to nap. This made me remember the OLD me, the girl who didn’t have a clear vision of her future, the girl who was working a job way below her potential (and way below her pay grade),  the girl who was “skinny fat”, the girl who lived off of frozen TV dinners and drank too much, or didn’t eat at all in attempt to be skinny. 
Today, I remembered myself 5 years ago. I'd come home exhausted from work, and with nothing to really look forward to, and I'd take naps after work almost daily...which resulted in me sleeping until the next morning. I didn’t work out because I couldn’t afford a gym membership and honestly I was too worn out to go because I ate like crap. I didn’t really have any positive friends in my life either. 
Today, on gloomy days where I feel myself going into this slump…I am SO THANKFUL that I found a SOLUTION!! 
I now have an arsenal of fun fitness programs that will ensure I will be packed full of endorphins after just 30 minutes. 
But to me these are WAY more than just fitness programs, What I found through these programs, is a COMMUNITY of supportive people! I’ve joined a motivating TEAM of women/ friends,  who build each other up and keep me pushing forward!
They motivated and inspire me to GROW as person and become a BETTER version of myself so that I can be fully equipped to go out there and  SHARE this GIFT with other women….so that I can be the SUPPORTER the "me 5 years ago" desperately needed!
If you’re anything like I was, please message me, I’d love to help you start an amazing journey that will better your health - Body & Mind!

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