My 21 Day Fix Meal Plan!

I absolutely LOVE the 21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme workout programs...but when I first started, I have to admit....the meal plan intimidated me!!!

Well let me tell you...It's very SIMPLE and I'm here to help break it down for you!

Previously, I was someone who practiced the 80/20 rule. Meaning, 80% of the time I ate very clean, and 20% of the time, I didn't worry so much. 

Usually during the week I would eat very clean (mostly grilled chicken in a salad, etc.) and then not so much on the weekend. I was however, previously very was bad about tracking my calories and I hate trying to keep track of all the numbers! 

The 21 Day Fix Meal Plan has helped me stay on track and makes clean eating EASY!

What makes the 21 Day Fix meal plan so amazing is that there is no counting calories (yay)!!! 

Instead, you determine your personal calorie bracket (mine is the 1,200-1,499 bracket) and from there you get an allotted number of Colored Boxes...for example, In my bracket, I get 3 Green containers (veggies) per day. 

They are perfectly portioned out so that you're not over eating or under eating. 

If it get to eat it! HOW EASY IS THAT!?!

Here's the breakdown of the color-coded containers. 

What makes this program #1 is that it makes clean eating super SIMPLE and combines this meal plan with 3 weeks of results-proven workouts! 

Did you know that about 70% of our results are made in the KITCHEN!?!

Now, don't get me wrong, fitness is important too....but DIET plays such an important role in our results.

It seriously takes all of the guess work out of it! Which is probably why I've gotten the BEST results with this program and why my team members are DROPPING dress sizes in their first 21 days!

One of my current challenge member has to go shopping for new clothes because her PANTS are FALLING OFF after just her first round---not a bad problem to have in my book!

So here's a little sneak peak at my meal plan for this week:

Want to learn more OR join one of my 21 Day Fix accountability groups?

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