Quinoa Salad (Fix Approved!)

I love quinoa! It's so healthy yet it's got this naturally sweet taste...and it's gluten free!

It's a great base for any dish. Tonight I was inspired by one of Autumn Calabrese's recipes in her new FIXATE cookbook. I didn't have all of the peppers and herbs, but I threw together this healthy meal using what I had and it turned out great!


-Quinoa (I just made the whole bag for the week)
- Plum tomatoes crushed - I didn't have fresh but I'd recommend that!
-Black beans
-Ground turkey meat with a (little) balsamic vinaigrette drizzle 
-Avocado - because I can't get enough!
-can add seasoning, pepper, herbs to taste.


-Boil the quinoa
-Brown the turkey meat and add in some olive oil or balsamic if you please
-add everything together....it's that simple! 

That's my kinda cooking for ya! A healthy meal that's filling and that you can make in BULK for the whole week!

What are some things you add to quinoa?

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