How to Stay Healthy & Fit on Vacation!!

My husband, Ralph, and I are on our Summer vacation this week! We're heading out to Southern Californa but that doesn't mean I let all my hard work go to waste! 

Eating well is what fuels me and gives me the energy to live my life to the fullest! 

Here are my tips for staying healthy and fit while on vacation:

1. Eat locally - I'm excited to find fresh, healthy, and LOCAL food out in southern California :)

2. Get active - Plan some fun tours or sight seeing that requires you to walk or hike to see! I'm excited to hike up some trails in cali and walk along the beaches of Laguna!

3. Drink a lot of H20 - this will not only help hydrate ya, it will help warn off cravings, and keep your energy up.

4. Try not to over indulge - plan a couple nights of partying but try to balance it out with some good R&R also! - this hasn't always been easy for me as I like to go all day and night when I travel but It's important to refresh and refuel!

5. Bring along a resistance band - ok, maybe you think I'm crazy but just a few mins of fitness can set you mood and day off to a great start. Not to mention it gives you energy, and you'll feel more confident in that bikini :)

*Bonus Tip*  - Pack snacks! You can bet I'm brining along some healthy granola bars and my Shakeology packets - Getting caught without a snack can leave you starving which usually leads to over indulgence and poor food choices!

HAVE FUN!!!! That's what vacation is all about :)

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