My P90X3 - CVX Workout Preview & Review!

CVX = A Fun Burn!

I recently decided to try out the new P90X3 workouts! I can't tell you how many times I've tried to do the original P90X but quit because the workouts were just too long and quite frankly, I found them a little slow moving for my tastes. 

Tony Horton just came out with his newest addition to the P90X family and that's X3! The BEST news is....every workout is only 30 MINS!! (this also means less time for Tony's corny jokes which I never really loved....sorry TONY!!!)

This peaked my interest as I'm busy and I like my workouts challenging and quick...get in, get out!

Well I've done 3 of them so far and I'm really enjoying them! The program offers such a variety from weight MMA fighting (I love to punch!). 

Here's my preview of the CVX workout -- I'm guessing this stands for "cardiovascular" but it got my heart rate up that's for sure! It combines cardio moves with weights for an added burn and metabolism boost! I LOVED IT! 

Let me know if you'd like to see more!

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