Insomnia Be Gone!!!!

Sleep is SOOOO IMPORTANT!!!! Did you know most of your muscle growth happens while you're sleeping?! 

Research suggests that during it's during REM sleep, that our bodies restore our tissues, organs, and bones, our immune cells are replenished, and we circulate the most human growth hormone! 

These are all crucial to our health and to our muscle growth! Without good sleep, you won't see those gains you're working out so hard to achieve!!  

Now some real talk.....Sleep has always been a HUGE ordeal for me, to the point of relying on medications for YEARS! 

I started to have bad insomnia back in nursing school and I started to take over the counter sleep aides in order to sleep. This quickly became REQUIRED for me to sleep and I relied on these!! 

I'm not one who likes to take medication even something over the counter and I know that there are side effects to taking these long term but I could not sleep without it!

About 1 year ago, I'm in my new job as a nurse practitioner and surgical assistant and I started to suffer from SEVERE INSOMNIA & SLEEP ANXIETY!  I tried everything from warm baths, herbal teas, medications, meditation, I even bought a self hypnosis program to try to hypnotize myself to sleep!!

I would have anxiety just thinking about the night as I knew I'd lay awake tossing and turning, my heart and thoughts racing...I literally felt like I was going CRAZY!! I'd go 1-3 nights sometimes without real sleep and I was worried I wouldn't be able to perform at my job like I was worried I wouldn't be providing safe care!

5 months ago I stumbled upon something that's significantly helped me! I started drinking a daily superfood nutritional shake, Shakeology. I now call this my miracle shake because after about 2 weeks of drinking it daily, I started to sleep better than I had in YEARS and without MEDS!

I try to eat healthy, but I know that my daily diet does NOT provide me with the nutrients that I'm getting in this shake. It's amazing how much  better the body functions when it's cells are fed what they need. 

Since drinking Shakeology daily,  I have NOT had a sleep anxiety episode!!!! I've been able to fall asleep soundly and quickly WITHOUT MEDS! I have only used my over the counter sleep aides 2x over the last 5 months and that's a HUGE difference to using them every single night. 

I did a little experiment to see if not drinking it would make me sleep worse again and sure enough, after going 3 days without I did have some return of insomnia, but no longer having the anxiety I had! 

I've researched some of the superfood ingredients and it's amazing the calming properties and natural anti-anxiety effects that some of these superfoods have. 

Another benefit I've noticed to better sleep.....I'm seeing way more results in the form of MUSCLE TONE from my workouts!!! 


If you want to give Shakeology a try to experience the benefits it can have for you....check out my Shakeology page for more information on the beneficial ingredients ---Shakeology Info!

Or Watch this video below to learn more about how it's created!

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