Set a GOAL That Makes You Want to Jump Out of BED!

Are you BORED with life? 
If you don’t wake up every morning with burning desire to do things, you don’t have enough GOALS!

I wake up full of excitement every day…not because of where I am right now necessarily…but because I know where I’m going! 

Without clear goals, you maybe feel like you’re just passing the days until the weekend…and it just keeps repeating….

Where do you want to be in 6 months from now? 

Do you want to be:

-More Fit? 
-Advance your career?
-Become  a stay at home mom?
-Pay off some debt?
-Learn a new language?

Whatever it is…pick 1-3 and WRITE DOWN some clear and specific goals. Set a deadline! 

For Example:

“In 6 months from now I want to be 20 lbs lighter and feel confident in that dress for our cruise"

Envision where you want to be and then break those goals down into tiny pieces and start chipping away at them for 15-30 min a day!



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