What is a challenge group?!

One of the biggest reasons people fail after staring a fitness/weight loss program is due to a lack of support! 

My current Challengers are kicking serious booty and I'm so thrilled with everyone's commitment and results thus far!

I'm start a NEW 21 Day Challenge Group next month but there's only 4 more spots available!

I provide 1:1 free coaching and support as well as hosting a completely PRIVATE group via Facebook. 

This is a group of like-minded WOMEN all taking the challenge to better health together. They also all support &motivate each other as everyone works towards their personal goals! 

Myself, along with your other challengers, will help keep you accountable and provide you with lots of support and motivation along throughout the challenge!

Yes it will require hard work on your part, but process works if you do, and I'm here to help make sure you succeed! 

Who am I?

I'm a nurse practitioner with a passion for health promotion/disease prevention and I will work as your free health coach throughout this 21 day challenge. 

I post daily "posts" that include: Fitness tips, fun challenges, nutrition tips, recipe ideas, and motivational pieces to help you stay accountable and focused on your goals.

 This group will not only help you stay on track with your fitness and nutrition, but will challenge you to make personal transformations that will have a positive affect on your entire life! 

There is always someone there to support you and answer any questions you may have along the way. 

The only requirements are that you choose a Beachbody program to complete during the challenge. 

I highly recommend Shakeology during this 21 days not only to increase your results but it will make you FEEL so much better and give you amazing energy to get you through your program!

**If you are interested in learning more about how this online accountability group works, please fill out my application below, Email me (sara_petrucci@yahoo.com) or Facebook me

 I would LOVE to talk to you personally to learn more about your goals and to help you find a program that will best fit YOUR needs and help you reach those GOALS! 

Why wait till tomorrow, let's get started on a new and improved you TODAY! 

There are tons of Wufoo features to help make your forms awesome.

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