Meal Prep Sundays!

If you FAIL to Plan.....You Plan to FAIL!

One of the MOST important steps to set yourself up for a healthy week ahead is to prepare your meals on Sunday!

My husband and I prepare most of our lunches and dinners for our week on Sunday and this ensures that we will make healthier choices during the busy week!

If you're trying to eat cleaner and stick to your goals, you CANNOT leave your meal choices up to chance! Picture're leaving work at after a BUSY day and you're STARVING! You are much more likely to grab something unhealthy in your fridge, to snack, or pick up something less healthy on the way home! If you already have a great healthy meal prepared, you are SET!! 

Meal prepping takes just a little planning. Whenever works best for you, either during the week ahead or maybe Saturday, plan out some things you can make in bulk so that you can eat them during the week.

We do all of our grocery shopping either Saturday or Sunday afternoon (My Grocery List). Then Sunday evening, we both make our meals for the week ahead (lunches and dinners mostly) and put them into containers already ready to pack for lunch or reheat for dinner. 

Not only does this ensure a healthy meal plan, it helps with portion control and saves you valuable TIME!! 

One of the #1 secrets to successful healthy eating is sticking to the similar daily meal plans. This does not mean you cannot add in variety to your meals! There's always ways to "spice" up your proteins differently or to add in different vegetables and/or brown rice to your dish. 

So get ready to add in Meal Prep Sundays to your week! 

Extra Tip - make cooking your meals a fun bonding experience with your loved ones to get the family involved!

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