This year's Beachbody Income Progression!

As we’re nearing the end of 2015, Ralph Mazzuoccolo & I have been reflecting on this past year!.This year was significant for us as we started a new journey that has now become a Legit business & it’s created a much BIGGER vision for our future than we initially anticipated!

I initially signed up as a Coach because I was looking for a positive outlet & more accountability in my own personal health! I LOVED the home workouts & the online community as a customer & wanted to be apart of the Beachbody community on a larger scale as a Coach…IT WAS NEVER ABOUT INCOME!!!!!

My ultimate intention with this business will ALWAYS be to help people live healthier & more fulfilling lives and as a healthcare provider my passion lies in preventive medicine! 

I’ve been a HUGE fan of Beachbody as a customer for years and now it's my platform for disease prevention & health promotion!

So I decided to tally up our numbers & chart our income progression thus far as we end 2015.

it AMAZES me to look back at where we started, with an initial $40 investment, to our current earnings today! .....Now it may not yet replace our incomes, but we are not even a full year into this business!!

I share this with you to show you what’s possible financially with this PART TIME opportunity!

In this business, though, income compounds differently than in most jobs and so I have a very strong belief in our potential!

Ralph and I both work VERY full time jobs, we teach group fitness classes during the week, we still value our time together & with friends….AND we are still able to successfully grow this business part time!

This opportunity has changed our vision for what’s possible with this business! We both see it now as a future FULL TIME opportunity and a way to gain both financial and time FREEDOM!

YES, we have GREAT careers now but I never knew it was possible to make great money & have time freedom until I met the members of our team who are living this life!!

For me --->
I see this as a way to grow myself as a leader, mentor others on our team to do the same, share my passion for health & fitness……
and if God bless us with children in the future, I want to be able to raise my own children while being PRESENT in their lives all while still contributing to our family financially!

..…..I NEVER thought THAT was possible until I found this opportunity!

This business is about WAY MORE than just pushups and sales!
And while it’s also MORE than just financial gains…those do come with time and can be SIGNIFICANT!

I see this business as a way to create FREEDOM in my life while HELPING OTHERS and living a life driven by PASSION!

What could an extra $1000 mean for you?? Are you Ready to find out?

If you want to get started on YOUR journey helping PEOPLE today, email me at: and let's partner together.

I'm going to be working 1:1 with new coaches this year and my focus will be on helping them start a successful business if they so choose! heart emoticon

Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of Independent Coach Earnings located in the Coach Online Office for the most recent information on our Coaches’ actual incomes.

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