My TOP Holiday Party Tips for Staying on Track!

Have a Holiday Party Tonight?

Tonight is my company's Holiday Party so I'm giving you my TOP TIPS for sticking on track with your health & fitness goals and NOT undoing all your hard work from the week!!! 

heart emoticoTH worst thing you can do is starve all day before a'll only overindulge more & mess up that metabolism! 

1) Don't go hungry!!!:
The worst thing you can do is starve all day before a'll only overindulge more and mess up that metabolism.

This is when I plan to have my Shakeology before I go tonight!
This will ward off my sweet tooth cravings and give me super nutrients (which helps if you do plan to drink!)

2) Don't stand by the food table if there are appetizers! :

This is the worst place to play catch up with a friend!! 
Move your convo away from the FOOD 
smile emoticon

3) Watch the Booze!:

You can easily rack up the calories without noticing so Choose lighter options like vodka soda water, wine (watch that pour lol) or skip it all together. 

4) Wear something tight so you'll be less tempted to over eat!:
...this one can be SCARY but sometimes it's the motivation we need to keep in check! lol smile emoticon

5) Don't skip your workout the day of! :

You'll feel better, you'll be burning calories all night, and you'll have more Energy all night long! Plus this will up your metabolism and help you combat the extra calories of the night!

6) If it's a Potluck style party...bring a lighter option!:

This gives you something you know is on your plan and provides a healthier alternative to others to enjoy too! Give the gift of health :)  And it doesn't have to be carrots...check out this recipe and use Red & Green sprinkles for the holidays!

smile emoticon

7) And Lastly....ENJOY yourself!:

It's OK to enjoy yourself if you've been working hard! Just get back at it tomorrow! A healthy lifestyle is ALL about balance! Remember it's not all or's a journey and practice the 80/20 rule this holiday season and you won't be far behind your goals come January 1st!

And if you've really fallen off the wagon this season...let's jumpstart those resolutions TOGETHER this January!! 

I'm hosting a *very special online fitness accountability group* and I'd love to work with you!
Email me:
and APPLY HERE to be considered!

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