Our BEST Virtual Fitness Group for 2016!

Whats's your 2016 Fitness Resolution??

Did you have a goal of getting in shape last year and still haven't gotten the results you wanted as we near the year end? 

It's OK!! We are here to change that for 2016!

The holidays are all about celebration but come January 1st your gyms will be as PACKED as a Walmart on Black Friday!!!! 
But no worries, we got you!! heart emoticon

Why not avoid the crowd, save your time, keep your sanity, and get REAL RESULTS??

My husband, Ralph & I are teaming up to Co-host our BEST Online Fitness Accountability Group on January 4th, 2016! 

Couple’s strongly welcome, but not required to join! heart emoticon

We are going to be pulling out all the stops so YOU.WILL.SUCCEED and crush those 2016 resolutions! 

You’ll be getting our best tips, motivation, recipes, and ACCOUNTABILITY every day!

Spots are limited (and some have already RVSP’ed). 
If you’re ready to start 2016 out STRONG, you must RSVP by December 28th!

Email Me at:  SaraFitCoach@gmail.com for more details AND APPLY HERE to be considered to join us! 

Wishing you a Happy & Healthy Holiday Season! 


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