Super Saturday Event Recap!

This past weekend some of our local team attend a HUGE Beachbody event called Super Saturday! We headed to Orlando for this event and to say it was an amazing day is an understatement! They went all out for this one and the value we got was just incredible! 

We heard from some top coaches, incredible success Stories, great training for our own businesses, heard from an all male panel, and from a few couples who do this together! Then we did a huge live workout with 300 local coaches!

What touched me the MOST was the woman's Story who was a ER doctor! Just like me, she feels she's able to help others so much more and DEEPER through coaching than modern health care! Now she's earning a full time income from doing what she loves as a Coach and paid off all her medical student loan bills! 

Preventing disease is where my true passion lies and hearing her story just had my heart bursting with "YESES!!"
What really rocked this day for me was that our Team was there to share this experience with us. When Ralph and I first started, we were just the two of us. We attended our first live event alone and each time since, our team has grown! Today we not only got recognized of our achievements, but we got to celebrate some of our team members achievements as new coaches who are already helping so many other reach their healthy goals!

If you're wanting to experience what makes Beachbody's culture so unique the next one will be in August and this event takes place In all major cities in US and Canada!

My heart was so full being reminded today WHY I do this and surrounded by our team who could make it! It's so much more than just a business, it's helping others live happier, healthier, financially fitter, and FULFILLING Lives!!! 

Had such a great day with our team and if you're considering Beachbody Coaching or curious about what it is that we do, Email me -

You don't need to be local to Florida to join our team. All you need is some passion for helping others live healthier and more fulfilling lives!

Finding My True Purpose One Day at a Time!

My Journey To Discovering My True Purpose 

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After I graduated college and was fired from my first corporate job, I felt lost. That's when my journey to "find my real myself" began. It all started with getting my fitness & health back in check. I remember coming home from work completely exhausted, I'd nap most afternoons (sometimes sleeping until the next morning), I was living off frozen TV dinners, abusing caffeine & diet pills, drinking a lot, had horrible IBS, and felt In wasn't living up to my true potential.

Thanks to social media, I discovered a workout program called INSANITY. At the time I was so broke and $119.99 was a HUGE investment, but I needed to make an investment in myself and I knew with some skin in the game, I'd be more accountable!

Well, I not only got into the best shape of my life & changed my eating habits, I ignited this passion & drive inside me that affected many other areas of my life. This helped inspire me to go back to school to become a registered nurse and ultimately a family nurse practitioner.

I made it to my final career destination, but I still had this burning feeling inside that it wasn't enough, I was made for more.
My true passions throughout nursing school were all focused around the power of exercise & nutrition in preventing/ending diseases.

Last year a little thing called Beachbody Coaching fell into my lap unexpectedly at the time, but looking back it was when I needed it the most!
God knew what he was doing and although I started this business at a time I was stressed to the MAX in my career, it's been the thing that's saved my sanity & blessed my life everyday since!

Listening to others speak at yesterday's huge Beachbody event, I again felt this overwhelming sense of purpose, of belonging, of passion, and a true knowing that THIS IS MY PURPOSE!

Coaching allows me to pursue all of my passions into one role and help others uniquely using all of my own past struggles and triumphs as my guide!

Unlike modern medicine where I have a 15-30 min appointment slot with a patient, as a Coach, I'm able to dig WAY deeper with people, connect, and truly support them in their goals of living a healthier life just by sharing what I've been through, and being their wing girl along the way!
I feel like I've finally found "My People" in my team of fellow coaches as well, those who just "get" me!

I know for certain that this little "journey" I've been on the last 6 years, wasn't about me finding myself, rather discovering God's purpose for my life. I'm very thankful He allowed this gift to land in my lap when it did and I know he's using me to share this opportunity with others out there who are looking for their "something more".

If you're on a journey now, trust the process and stay open to opportunities. There's a bigger plan to all of it than we know!