Coconut Oil Swap For Sugar & Creamer in Coffee!

Coconut Oil Coffee = My New Morning Ritual!! 

I was chatting with some co-workers about my Coconut-oil VS coffee creamer/sugar swamp that I made earlier this year and I wanted to share it with you!!

Why use coconut oil in coffee you may ask????

Well most of those coffee creamers are packed with artificial flavoring & colors which have been linked to a TON of health problems!! 

(Allergies, headaches, fatigue, digestive issues, and some are known carcinogens...aka cancer causing!). 

I have been diagnosed with IBS in the past and I've found the KEY to keeping my symptoms away is through my diet!

Over the years, I've been working to clean up my diet and It's been a process, but I'm finding the "cleaner" I've made it, the better I feel! 

Now I LOVE COFFEE, but this year, I wanted to wean myself off the creamers with artificial ingredients and find an alternative to using so much stevia (yes, it's natural, but some brands are not created equal..another topic!). 

I'm not hard-core enough to drink my coffee black so I was looking for a solution!
My Solution = Coconut Oil! 

The Trick is to BLEND it with your black coffee (I use a nutribullet) and Wha-La! It creates a frothy/creamy coffee that doesn't require Sugar OR Creamer!!

Coconut oil is packed with HEALTHY fats and has numerous health benefits! 

(You can also use it as a great moisturizer)

Yes, it does have higher fat and even saturated fat content which initially frightened me..but after doing more research I learned that the fats in coconut oil are Medium-chain triglycerides which have actually been found to benefit weight loss efforts by promoting excess calorie burning and promote fat oxidation. 

(Animal based saturated fats are the ones we need to limit. These are either long-chain or very-long-chain...which require a different metabolic process in the body to break down)

If you're looking to wean off the creamers or sugar...try this!! 

And if you do, I'd love to hear from you!
Comment Below and let me know how you like it!! 


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