Do you sip on multiple cups of coffee per day?
Do you drink energy drinks often?
Does the Starbucks barrista know you by name?
If you answered YES to any of the above No Judgement!!
I am guilty as well! I've become a lot more aware of the effects that excess caffeine consumption has on our endocrine system and I've been working to break this bad habit! I'll explain to you why consuming excess caffeine may actually be keeping you from losing that unwanted belly fat!
I've been a morning coffee drinker since high school and during college I became very much into energy drinks! I was actually a rep for one of the major energy drink brands. I had mountains of this stuff in my apartment and I would promote it to other college kids and drink it pretty much daily myself!

Let's be honest, Caffeine is the EASIEST drug to get your hands on...It's everywhere these days!! There's literally a Starbucks on almost every corner in some cities, every gas station is stocked full of energy drinks, and there's no age limit to purchase these beverages.
You'd think after drinking coffee in the morning and energy drinks during the day that I'd be full of energy right?!....WRONG!
I was always tired despite the fact that I was consuming all of this caffeine! I actually took it a step further and started taking caffeine pills as well to try to gain more energy. Guess what?? I was STILL TIRED!
When I started my first job as a nurse practitioner I was working 12+ hour days in surgery. My daily espresso shots were the only thing getting me through these long days (or so I believed!). I would get a temporary energy from them, but left work feeling completely depleted and I wasn't sleeping well at all!
I'm so happy I've been able to kick this habit and I'm leaving work with way more energy than before (I'll share how I'm doing it below).
I'm so happy I've been able to kick this habit and I'm leaving work with way more energy than before (I'll share how I'm doing it below).
Don't worry, I'm not going to tell you not drink Coffee!! Coffee is great! Caffeine in moderation has been linked to many health benefits and can increase your metabolism. I still have a cup of coffee every morning and an energy drink on occasion.
Moderation is the key word, however, and after realizing I was I was doing to my adrenal glands, I've cut way back...and now I can get through the day without abusing caffeine and without being always TIRED! I've also had a lot of help by adding in a superfood nutritional shake every day. This has really helped me cut down on my caffeine cravings and those daily espresso shots!
Adrenal Fatigue is Real:
The adrenal glands are small glands that sit above your kidneys. I'll save you the science lesson but basically they secrete hormones such as: Cortisol (regulates stress), Adolsterone (regulates blood pressure), and adrenaline (fight or flight).When your body is stressed, the hormones secreted by these glands help protect and allow your body to better cope with stress. With over consumption of caffeine, your basically putting your body in a chronic state of stress and your endocrine system works overtime to combat that stress.
You may just be sitting at your desk calmly working, but with too much coffee on board, your adrenal glands are pumping out norepinephrine and epinephrine in fight or flight mode. These hormones set off a chain of events that can actually work against you if you're trying to lose weight.
They stimulate the liver to release stored glucose for energy (to fight or to flight), which then stimulates insulin secretion to lower the blood sugar level, which then leaves you feel more tired. Now add in a sugary energy drink or sugar in coffee and the body has to work even harder and produce more insulin to combat the sugar intake.
When you keep going and going without rest, don't you feel exhausted?!?!....well that's how your endocrine system feels after being taxed day in and day out with excess caffeine! It never gets a chance to relax and your body's in a constant state of stress. We all know that stress leads to excess belly fat and cravings!
Caffeine is also a diuretic, meaning it causes you to lose more water from your body. Dehydration can also cause you to feel tired, groggy, and sluggish.
Caffeine also interferes with our sleep, which again helps us to have more natural energy during the day and helps us to combat weight gain.
So while our intentions may to stay alert, get more work done, and gain more energy to be more efficient....we're actually wearing down our body's amazing system and leaving ourselves in an even bigger Energy Crisis!!
Some of the most common symptoms of adrenal fatigue include:
- Feeling tired when waking up after a long night's sleep
- Feeling groggy or mentally foggy during the day
- Craving sweat or salty foods
- Feeling a lack of energy for most of the day
- Only feeling energy in the evenings or at night
- Getting sick more often, or taking longer to recover from sickness or stress
The Struggle is REAL but you can get yourself out of adrenal fatigue!
- Start by eliminating excess forms of caffeine slowing during your day
- Replace caffeinated beverages with water!
- Include more nutrient-dense foods in your daily diet (Superfoods Have Helped Me!)
- Try to get more sleep (this will become easier with improved diet and less caffeine over time!)
- Do some form of daily physical activity or exercise (but don't over do it! Over training can leave you in a state of fatigue also)
I know this seems easier said than done and caffeine addiction is real! Headaches are common with decreasing caffeine but it will pass over a few days.
I've been able to cut way down on my daily caffeine with the help of a daily Superfood nutritional shake (Learn More Here).
It's helped me in curbing my caffeine cravings during the day, it's helping me sleep better at night which has been a HUGE struggle for me in the past, and it's giving me a natural type of energy that gets me through my day.
So next time you're thinking about popping that energy drink can or driving through your favorite coffee spot, I CHALLENGE you to choose water instead!
Be Kind To Your Body, And It Will Be Kind Back :)
Be Kind To Your Body, And It Will Be Kind Back :)
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